
Dr. Richard Stone, Univ. Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Christine Wildsoet, UC Berkeley School Optometry Center for Eye Disease & Development, USA


Confirmed speakers:

Dr. Jost Jonas, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Germany.

Myopia – The Big Elephant in the Room.

Dr. Ian Flitcroft, Dublin Children’s University Hospital, Ireland.

The central role of the retina in eye growth & refraction.

Dr. Ravikanth Metlapally, , UC Berkeley School of Optometry, USA.

Scleral microRNA signatures in adult & fetal eyes: Role in ocular growth regulation.

Dr. Claus Trier, Trier Research Laboratories, Denmark.

7-Methylxanthine for Prevention of Eye Elongation & Progression of Myopia in Children.

13 December 2012