Poster Presentation Guideline


Poster Session Hours

Friday, February 8, 17:45–19:00

Saturday, February 9, 17:45–19:00

Posters must be mounted by 10:00 on the day of their presentation, and must remain on display until the end of the day (19:00 hours). Poster presenters must be at the poster during their poster session (day and time indicated in their acceptance email). Posters left after the end of the sessions each day will be removed and discarded. AOPT 2013 is not responsible for poster materials left at meeting’s end.

Poster Dimensions

Posters must be printed to the next size: 0.92 meters (3 feet) wide by 1.45 meters (4.75 feet) high.

Mounting: Velcro will be provided to use to mount your poster. Pushpins will not be usable to mount the posters.

Posters Location

Posters will be located in the posters/exhibit area, adjacent to the main meeting room.



Recommendations for Poster Design

Poster authors are encouraged to follow these recommendations:

– Keep materials clear and concise.

– Produce material that is legible from a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet).

– Use large print and shade or color block letters when possible.

– For legibility, a minimum font size of 28 points and a maximum of 600 words are recommended.

– Use a layout for the poster that follows the main headings used in the, i.e., Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

The Poster Presentation Number must be indicated in large type, adjacent to the title.


For additional information, please contact

16 January 2013